H.I.M. Ministries
Helping Invest in Missions
Philippians 4:17 "Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account."
Building a roof on the Spring of Life Baptist Church addition in Hidalgo, Mexico.
We have raised the Money!
Look at the pictures of the work your giving has made possible.

Pastor Tamo, of Spring of Life Baptist Church

Any amount
would be appreciated.
$5 - $5000 or more.

Checks can be mailed to H.I.M. Ministries
P.O. Box 1030 Shelbyville, TN. 37162
Our Burden: Recently, our church took a mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico. One of the churches we worked with was Spring of Life Baptist Church in Hidalgo, Mexico. We saw the desire this church and their pastor Artemio (Temo) Gutierrez had to reach the lost. Their church is growing and in much need of more space. It is located in a poor area; thus its members (although they tithe and give) are unable to raise funds for large projects. They have built a church but have come up well short of finishing the class room additions. The men in our missions group - Loyd Warren, Jonathan Everhart, Tim Leverette and Darren Townsend - have committed themselves to raise enough money to put a roof on their building. We have decided to reach out to our friends and family for help.


Our Guarantee: We (Loyd Warren, Jonathan Everhart, Tim Leverette and Darren Townsend) give our word and our reputations as a guarantee that the funds you contribute will be used exclusively for THIS PROJECT. Our home church Victory Baptist Church of Shelbyville, Tennessee has graciously agreed to allow us to come under their authority and oversight but will receive no part of the money donated. Your gifts are tax deductible through Victory Baptist Church. We will keep all who contribute updated as to our progress, and we encourage you to come to this website for regular updates.

Information: Spring of Life Baptist Church is an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church located in Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. It is a soul-winning, Bible-preaching church that is doing all it can to reach the people of Hidalgo. Pastor Temo (Native of Mexico) was saved as a young man and answered the call to preach through the ministry of American missionary Sonny Fritz. God has used Bro. Temo to start seven churches with Spring of Life being his latest work. We have personally seen the burden and vision Bro. Temo has for his people. We have experienced the incredible humility this great man of God shows to those he helps. We believe that the further completion of this addition will go a long way in helping this church reach more souls for Christ.
Contact Information:
Loyd Warren (931) 205-0743
Victory Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1030,
2200 North Main St., Shelbyville, TN 37160
(931) 684-8114 vbcshelbyville.com


Checks can be mailed to H.I.M. Ministries
P.O. Box 1030 Shelbyville, TN. 37162